Mt. McKinley Gets a Re-Do

The Alaskan mountain peak, known as Mt. McKinley from 1917 until 2015, and then as Denali, has reverted back to being Mt. McKinley.

Farewell to the Gulf of Mexico

It’s official.

Renaming Denali and the Gulf of Mexico

A (very) brief interpretation of President Trump’s recent Executive Order.

The Strange Case of the Galena and Fever Rivers

One river. Two different names.

Curious about Wisconsin Toponyms? Start Here!

How often are place names changed or new place names added?

Wisconsin to achieve statewide publicly available LiDAR coverage in 2023

By this fall, all 72 Wisconsin counties will have QL1 or QL2 LiDAR obtained through the US Geological Survey’s 3DEP LiDAR program.

Identifying Wisconsin’s Cartographic Phantoms

Your input is needed on a proposal to reclassify 31 “cartographic phantoms” found on maps of Wisconsin.

Public Comments Invited on Proposed Replacements for Derogatory Place Names

The U.S. Geological Survey is requesting public comment on candidate replacements for geographic feature names recently declared derogatory by the Department of Interior Secretary.

Federal Government Takes Action to Eliminate Derogatory Toponyms

The US Department of the Interior has established new administrative bodies to replace derogatory geographic feature names.

Customizing Layer Content in Geospatial PDFs

How to create customized geospatial PDFs with layer controls.