USGS and FGDC announce 2008 NSDI funding program

The longstanding Cooperative Agreement Program aims to improve infrastructure necessary to effectively discover, access, share, manage and use digital geographic data.

Interior Department seeks nominations for National Geospatial Advisory Committee

A new advisory body will provide advice and recommendations on Federal geospatial policy.


U.S. Geological Survey Photographic Library

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Central Regional Library in Denver, Colorado maintains a collection of over 400,000 photographs taken during geologic studies of the United States and its territories from 1868 to the present.

Landsat 5 Resumes Operations

Landsat 5 imaging operations were suspended in November of 2005 as a result of difficulties with power delivered by the solar array drive. These technical difficulties have been resolved and imaging has resumed. While USGS …

Orthorectified Landsat digital data now available from USGS

Select orthorectified Landsat data are available for free download from the Global Visualization Viewer (GloVis) and EarthExplorer websites.

USGS realigns geospatial activities

New programs office under the GIO to consolidate programs and strengthen and focus geographic research.

Charles Groat resigns as Director of U.S. Geological Survey

In response to Groat’s resignation, Interior Secretary Gale Norton named Dr. P. Patrick Leahy as acting director.

USGS Director Charles Groat Resigns

Groat to return to University of Texas at Austin.

UW-Madison’s Robinson Map Library to partner with USGS in digital preservation project

The University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Arthur H. Robinson Map Library will scan and digitally archive historic USGS maps produced since 1879.

2005 Cooperative Agreements Program grants announced

The National Geospatial Programs Office (NGPO) of the U.S. Geological Survey recently announced the availability of the 2005 Cooperative Agreements Program (CAP).