USGS publishes new GIS poster

A popular educational poster explaining the workings and applications of GIS has been revised by the U.S. Geological Survey.

USGS Provides Aerial Photos in Digital Only

Printed aerials no longer available.

USGS opens new web site for finding maps

Storefront will replace earlier searching tools.

DeLoatch named to head FGDC

Previously involved in geodata at EPA

USGS mapping: institutional change begins

State Cartographer Ted Koch’s observations about staffing at the USGS.

USGS appoints new state liaison

Dick Vraga is tapped by the Geography Discpline.

USGS selects new state liaison

Dick Vraga will also serve Illinois

USGS ends “map separate” as standard product

In a move that reflects the grwoing dominance of the digital environment in mapping, the U.S. Geological Survey has removed copies of map separates as a routine product.

Landsat instrument in trouble?

remote sensing data in jeopardy

USGS offers map access to stream level data

Provides almost-real-time info