Save the date for the 2016 UW-Madison Geospatial Summit

The 2016 UW-Madison Geospatial Summit will be held on Tuesday, April 19, 2016 in Gordon Commons on the UW-Madison campus.

UW-Madison implements drone policy

Details of UW-Madison’s new policy on aerial drone (unmanned aircraft) use on UW-Madison property or where university-affiliated activities occur.

Take the Wisconsin Historic Landscape project online survey

An online survey is now available for the Wisconsin Historic Landscape project.

UW-Madison Geospatial Summit attracts attendees from around the state

Over 100 people registered for the Summit, from locations around the state.

Don’t miss the Geospatial Summit

Reminder! UW-Madison’s Geospatial Summit is Monday, April 20th at Union South. Registration is free!

Help celebrate the history of cartography on April 25th

Join the University of Wisconsin and Friends of the Libraries as they honor the award-winning History of Cartography project and the forthcoming release of Cartography in the Twentieth Century.

University of Wisconsin teams to collaborate on historic Wisconsin map database project

Three teams from the University of Wisconsin are collaborating on a project to explore user needs for a digital map database of Wisconsin derived from General Land Office (GLO) surveyors’ notes made between 1830 and 1865.

Dr. Nick Chrisman to discuss land records modernization in Wisconsin at 2015 UW-Madison Geospatial Summit

Chrisman’s keynote address is entitled, “Carrying through on the promise: Lessons from protoype efforts in Wisconsin thirty years ago.”

Dr. David Cowen to speak at 2015 UW-Madison Geospatial Summit

Details on Dr. David Cowen’s keynote address at the 2015 UW-Madison Geospatial Summit.

Register Today for UW-Madison’s Geospatial Summit

UW-Madison’s Geospatial Summit is Monday, April 20th at Union South. Registration is free!