Chipman off to Dartmouth

Longtime UW-Madison remote sensing scientist Jonathon Chipman recently accepted a position at Dartmouth University.

Harrower receives Distinguished Teaching Award

Dr. Mark Harrower, Assistant Professor of Geography/Cartography at UW-Madison, was recently awarded the Chancellor’s Distinguished Teaching Award.

Census data made easy with Wisconsin GetFacts

A new online mapping application developed by the UW-Madison Applied Population Lab is a great tool for interactively visualizing and downloading TIGER and U.S. Census Bureau population data for Wisconsin.

Science Hall: Past and Present open house

On October 11th over three hundred visitors representing more than 50 campus units and 25 outside companies, agencies, and nonprofits made their way through the halls of Science Hall on the UW-Madison campus.

Inspired by his father, Lillesand’s interest in remote sensing began early

Dr. Tom Lillesand, a Madison native and internationally renowed professor, reflects back on his UW career.

Science Hall Open House

The UW-Madison Department of Geography and the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies are hosting an open house to showcase the stately structure at the corner of Park Street and Observatory Drive in Madison, and the …

From NOAA to UW-Madison, Dr. Alan Vonderohe proves his versatility

A summer job grew into a lifelong career for the retiring UW-Madison professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Watching students learn and grow was his greatest reward for the past 27 years.

Retiring UW-Madison professors to be honored on May 20th

The University of Wisconsin-Madison will honor Drs. Thomas Lillesand, Frank Scarpace and Alan Vonderohe for their nearly 90 years of combined service.

Dr. Frank Scarpace reflects on his career at UW-Madison

The longtime civil engineering professor is retiring after over 30 years of service. How have photogrammetry, remote sensing, and the UW changed over his career?

Retiring professors leave a void at UW-Madison

By mid-summer, three longtime UW-Madison professors involved in photogrammetry, remote sensing, and GIS will retire.