US Survey Foot to be deprecated on December 31, 2022

A recent Federal Register Notice announces the deprecation of the US Survey Foot by the National Institute of Standards and Technology and the National Geodetic Survey.

WSRS2022 submits letter to NGS requesting policy exceptions

The Wisconsin Spatial Reference System 2022 Task Force has submitted a letter to the National Geodetic Survey requesting exceptions to NGS’s policy regarding the modernization of the State Plane Coordinate System.

US Survey Foot to be phased out in 2022

The National Geodetic Survey plans to phase out the US Survey Foot by 2022.

National Geodetic Survey revises its plans for 2022 State Plane Coordinate System update

On March 7, 2019, NGS held a webinar to provide updates to their SPCS plans based on comments received from across the country.

WSRS 2022 Task Force Goals and Creation of Focus Groups

Describes the goals, mission, current activities and focus groups of WSRS 2022, the Wisconsin Spatial Reference System 2022 Task Force.

WSRS2022: The Wisconsin Spatial Reference System 2022 Task Force

The PLSS Workgroup was formed by individuals and organizations in Wisconsin to advocate and advance the purpose and importance of the Public Land Survey System. Our goal is to educate and encourage State, County and Municipal agencies in improving, advancing and maintaining the Public Land Survey System statewide.

NATRF2022 Discovery Team Submits Comments to National Geodetic Survey

The NATRF2022 Discovery Team submitted a response to the National Geodetic Survey related to the policies and procedures to update the State Plane Coordinate System.

NATRF2022 Discovery Team to convene in Madison in July, 2018

A Discovery Team meeting will be held in Madison on July 19, 2018, to define the main impact areas of the new NATRF2022 reference frame and identify the main stakeholder groups affected.

Jackson County Coordinates – Notice to Users

Prior to the 2006 redesign of WCCS, two coordinate systems existed for Jackson County, WI. One system is part of the statewide Wisconsin County Coordinate System as documented in the 1995 Coordinate Systems Handbook published by the SCO. The other system was created by Jackson County, and is named by the county as the Jackson County Official Projection. It is important to note that these two systems have distinctly different parameters,

Coordinate Reference Systems

Coordinate systems are used to accurately identify locations on the Earth’s surface, and are one of the fundamental building blocks that make modern Geographic Information Systems possible. This pages contains more information on coordinate reference systems commonly used in Wisconsin.