Wisconsin DOA responds to feedback on WLIP strategic initiative proposal

The Wisconsin Department of Administration has responded to feedback on its proposed WLIP Planning Process Framework document.

Wisconsin DOA outlines proposal for WLIP strategic initiative funding

The Department of Administration is seeking input from stakeholders by July 11, 2014 on a new strategic initiative grant process for the Wisconsin Land Information Program.

SCO to collaborate with DOA on statewide parcel map initiative

The Wisconsin Department of Administration has finalized an agreement with the State Cartographer’s Office to create the state’s first statewide digital parcel map to be made publically available.

2013 Wisconsin Land Information Program report now available

Report discusses how WLIP funding is invested in county geospatial infrastructure, the 2013 county survey results, and the challenges and opportunities for aggregating county map data into statewide GIS layers.

New memo outlines changes to Wisconsin Land Information Program

Helps stakeholders understand updates to the WLIP as a result of the recently-signed state budget bill.

Governor’s budget recommends statewide geospatial initiatives

Governor Walker’s executive budget bill recommends several important statewide geospatial initiatives.

New report highlights current status of WLIP

Wisconsin’s longstanding Land Information Program has generated $175 million in funding to support land information modernization throughout the state.

Update on WLIP funding legislation

New amendment to Assembly Bill 303 would reduce state share of a deed recording fee to $1.00 starting on July 1, 2015.

Legislative proposals affect Land Information Program funding

Proposed changes to Wisconsin’s comprehensive planning law would permanently divert $2 million away from the long-standing funding program used by counties to support local land information activities.

Governor recommends continuing WLIP grants

Wisconsin Governor Jim Doyle presented his 2007-09 Executive Budget to the State Legislature on Tuesday, February 13th.