WICDI (Wisconsin Coastal-Management Data Infrastructure)

This Project of Special Merit, which ended in 2023, was focused on providing data, tools, and training to coastal communities in Wisconsin. The project’s main focus was the Lake Superior region and one of the key issues impacting communities in that region: culverts.

As rain events become more frequent and intense, so does the damage to culverts. Through inventory and mapping, at-risk culverts can be identified and upgraded replacements can be justified. This project aimed to provide the resources needed for coastal and culvert managers to quickly and appropriately respond to damages or identify vulnerable culverts before catastrophe.

WICDI Community of Practice Map

Culvert Map and Datasets

Click here to launch the full app.


Funded by the Wisconsin Coastal Management Program and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Office for Coastal Management under the Coastal Zone Management Act, Grant # NA18NOS4190087 and Grant # NA20NOS4190105.